I see it coming from a mile away.I thought I screwed up because of how I approached you at first. When you fast-forword a month or two, I turn around and find you looking my way. My mind starts lighting up because of how long we look at each other. Two weeks later I some how think that I can talk to you. When I walk up to you I say "hey" and you turn around with a surprised look on you face, as if you just saw god himself and we just stand looking at each other. My best friend comes by and I turn around to say hi to her. And when I look back your gone as if youve just been blown away like a pile of leaves trapped in the wind.
After a few months I scratch my head, but I guess it must of looked like I was waving because you waved at me with that same shy little face you like to put on. My mind races once more but shit seems to go down hill because of some jackass friends that dont know how to shut up. And some how you still like me but I can tell your loosing interest in me because you dont like to flirt from across the the room every time the teachers tells every one to turn around. So I dont want to seem weird by just looking over at you all the time so I start keeping my head deep into a manga of some kind.
What happens next is something that I want to know. School isnt over but I have to make my move in the game called chess. I know your fiends, and we used to talk. I would pin you down to the ground and you didnt fight back. This was so long ago, so what should I say to you? "Hey, you remember that I used to pin you down after school? Want to go to my place and we try again?"
I want some thing more then just sex, I want some thing more then just someone to hold. How do I talk to you in this mad world?
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