May 25, 2009


I just hate living with my 31(?) year old brother. Its then living with my dad and his wifes children. Shit, I cant even eat because he has to eat every thing in sight. I feel like moving in with my dad now!

Wait! dont tell me I actually said that! Well, it might be slightly true. My mom sometimes says she will just move out one day and leave the two of to help each other. I know how she feels. He wont do anything. Why? because "he's sick". I dont care if he almost died last month (shit, i cant even remember when he went into the hospital) HE needs to tell me what he is sick with. NOTHING!!!!!!

He doesnt have a single illness. Between him and my mom im going to go insane. I started telling him that im not his lave after the 3rd day of him asking me for stuff. I dont even know why he still asks me for stuff, I just give him the same answer.

BTW, he is one of those jehovah witnesses, I feel sorry for him.

diffrent news-

I found out that this guy that I had my eyes on has a girlfriend! Im actualy happy for him because I really just didnt want him to be alone.

What am I talking, im starting to be tired of being alone. I wish I had some one to talk to all day over the internet.

If only I could be on MY computer all day without people wantint to check a myspace. Oh how I hate myspace.


  1. Sometimes living with people with disabilities can be tough. They can lack awareness of how their demands affect others. Is it a psychiatric thing?

    Try to talk to your mom about it. Is there a time limit on how long he is going to stay for? And one more year for you to survive before you go to college?

  2. blah

    im not planning on going to college

  3. Tough times, my friend. They will make you stronger and more patient though - and life, as you have already found, needs a lot of patience, amongst other things.

    Look for me - I will be around as much as I can, though it is getting harder to get some time online, too.

    G =]

  4. seems like a lot happened since I checked your blog the last time... So, he has a girlfriend... well, that pretty much takes care of him- pretty much; don't hold out much hope, gaydar ain't perfect, but many a curious boy has a girl(friend)...Like I said before, noone can take away a pleasant fantasy, except you, of course!!!Hey, by the way, what's this shit about hanging around on the internet all day??? Makes me depressed just thinking about it!!!
    Take my advice and drag your ass out of your house- anywhere else, for at least part of every day. You know, I see some of the cutest young guys when I'm out and about; One guy yesterday (I think he was about 15) was so cute I had to force myself to stay at a distance- I'm not a youngster anymore and he was grocery shopping with his sister and dad. Can you say JAILBAIT??? I couldn't stop undressing him in my mind..he was beautiful!!! I shopped an isle ahead just to preserve some dignity for both of us. Don't you know, the little shit struck out on his own and found some things he needed right where I was shopping...I had to check him out; he was 3 feet away(God's will, and all that). HE looked right at me, gave me a big grin (I'm not kidding) and went to rejoin his family but first looked back as he left my aisle and checked me out!!! I'm no youngster, like I said but I guess I still have a little going on...By the way, mt right hand was busy that night before I went to sleep!!!
    I share this with you for a couple of reasons. First, you will meet NOONE sitting at home on the internet except dirty "old guys" like me and people pretending to be something they are NOT!!! Even if you find a simpatico in this ether, chances are the person that you are talking to is far away- I live in Ct. as an example. Your salvation, even though you don't see it, is much closer than that.
    Second, you will always be gay, whether you want to be or not!!! Get over it!!! Some of the most important and influential guys in history have been gay...I've always felt like I would be happier living in the time of Alexander the Great(yummy guy, and gay, by the way)!!!
    Third, if that is really your picture, get a fuckin' haircut and start looking like you're in the hunt!!! How do you expect to attract a nice guy if you look like you don't believe in yourself???
    Well, all this might seem kind of harsh, so I'll leave it like that for now, except to say- You need someone to give you a serious get-in-gear ass-kicking...You spend far too much time feeling sorry for yourself(totally unproductive), and not enough time maximizing your assets and opportunities in this dog-eat-dog world...
    Sitting at home in a dysfunctional household on the internet all the time is a recipe for disaster!!!
    Drag your ass, clean up, be proud of who you are, and I GUARANTEE that you will find someone nice to share your life with!!! Mad at you, tman...


Kiss Me

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Ever since my birth ive been wondering what I was put on this earth for.