Today I come with a gift! A new computer game! I must worn you that this one can take up a lot of space. So if your worried about that I wouldnt recommend it. The game is Iji and its one hell of a platformer. You wake up as Iji, half girl, half robot, and all kick ass. You start out with a simple shotgun but you can level up and find upgrades. The story changes depending on how you play the game. So if you dont like to kill things, then you can go ahead and not kill a thing or you can destroy every last enemy you find.
I have to worn you that when you start the game it takes up the entire screen. So dont leave anything running. You dont have to download the extra high-quality soundtrack, but you can if your into that stuff. I didnt, but the music that comes with the file is ok.
(I like this one more then knytt stories)
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