July 18, 2010

I dont know what im waiting for anymore. I used to think that somthing grand would happen at the flip of a switch and now im starting to think that was all just a fairy tail. I was just hiding from the real world.

Im afraid to die without making a name for myself. I want everyone to know my name by heart.


  1. There comes a time when you realise that waiting for life to happen doesn't work. You have to get out and take a chance.

    In the couple of years since you stopped smoking weed and started this blog I've seen glimpses of amazing imagination and creativity. Those "I'm no poet" posts, some of the visual images you've posted were wonderful. I come back here because you have something special that I'm sure will have an impact.

    Let art find you community. Whether it be college or just the creative heart of a big city, seek out other artists to share with, stimulate, inspire and collaborate.

  2. I miss writing my "I'm no poet" posts. I wish I still had the same inspiration that I used to have back then. I used to be hopelessly in love and now... now im hopelessly lost.

  3. I used to think it was important to have the world know my name - then I realized it doesn't matter worth a shit ... it's more important for me to fill my own space, be able to spend an hour or a day or a week with just myself, and in my case just have 1 or 2 people around me who not only know my name by heart, but hold it deeply in their heart. The only way to make that happen is to go out and share yourself with a select few, in the hope that you can find one or two.

    just a thought.

  4. Dude
    I just know you have a good heart and they always prevail.
    Love You B&S
    Nick X

  5. Your name is not just known to my heart; it is inscribed on it.

    Waiting seldom brings us what we want. Sometimes we just have to go after it. In that great pursuit, it is not uncommon to find that we actually need something else. If we have the luck to make that discovery, and the courage to recognise it for what it is, we may indeed reach 'enlightenment'.

    As someone once said to me, "Hurry up, and be patient!"
    At the time it made no sense at all: the older I get, the more I understand it! For a man as sensitive, and perceptive as you, I am convinced it won't take too long for the message to sink in!

    Namaste. G =]


Kiss Me

My photo
Ever since my birth ive been wondering what I was put on this earth for.